It’s homeless week 1-7 August 2022
Light a candle this week for those who are homeless, or better still come to the book launch this Sunday to support StreetHeart with the volunteer work they do with homeless people across Sydney and NSW.
I was homeless at 16, it’s definitely a vulnerable place to be and there was nothing I could do about. Every day I had to hold onto hope knowing that one day my circumstances would change. No matter what adversities we go through in life, we have the tools within ourselves to find our way out. When we open our life up to change, it is amazing who will appear to help. Sleeping Under the Bridge is the first book in a trilogy of my life story, this one on my earlier life. I share my story with others so that it will inspire hope into your story.
Book launch on 7 August at the Sydney Harbour Bridge lookout, tickets can be registered here:…/sleeping-under-the…
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