Light a candle of hope
It’s homeless week 1-7 August 2022 Light a candle this week for those who are homeless, or better still come to the book launch this Sunday to support StreetHeart with the volunteer work they do with homeless people across Sydney and NSW. I was homeless at 16, it’s definitely a vulnerable place to be and…
Book launch, Sydney
The first book launch will be live on Sunday 7 August 2022 at the Pylon Lookout of the Sydney Harbour Bridge. The afternoon will be relaxing with a panorama view over Sydney. Along the way we will learn about the history of the Harbour Bridge, view a presentation in the cinema, hear about homelessness then…
Holding onto Hope
How do we hold onto hope when we are overwhelmed and consumed? We can do more for ourselves than we realise. In this short episode, I share those moments in my life, and it includes the first public reading of my new book Sleeping Under the Bridge. This is the first book in the trilogy on…