Light a candle of hope
It’s homeless week 1-7 August 2022 Light a candle this week for those who are homeless, or better still come to the book launch this Sunday to support StreetHeart with the volunteer work they do with homeless people across Sydney and NSW. I was homeless at 16, it’s definitely a vulnerable place to be and…
Empowering You
I started my first podcast show, LivingWell Talks, in July 2020. This was the very first episode I recorded that shares some of my story that is written in the first book of my up-coming trilogy series – Sleeping Under the Bridge. From nearly taking my life at 16 years of age to empowering people…
The shadow in the frame
The frame gave more clarity to my mind than the tranquil river scene that displayed within it. The white frame made me feel secure but also trapped within my own world. I tried looking at specific spots within, notable signs of interest to take me away from the uneasy feeling. I was drawn to a…
The offering of hope
It was a crisp morning, waking up was easier than the day before especially amidst the surroundings of Kangaroo Valley. Who of us would have thought we would be here, gathered amongst the green gentle slopes, the echo of many different species of plants and animals calling us to be serene and one with ourselves and…
Sometimes we fall
It is dark and raining. I enter my 1-bed apartment and crash on the white leather lounge. I barely have enough energy to take off my Navy uniform and heavy black boots. The room is moving from side to side like I am still rocking at sea in the warship. I haven’t been in this…