Transparent Storytelling
Coming soon is an extraordinary documentary film out of the US – Sensitive Men Rising. It is the first documentary to explore and engage the highly sensitive man who over many years have been labelled shy or not macho enough. It is time for the sensitive men to rise and find their place in the…
Press Release
Say My Name (2023) Australian Short Film Wins International Awards Filmed in Sydney, Australia, Say My Name has won two prestigious awards, Award of Merit (for Women Filmmakers) and Award of Recognition (for Contemporary issues / Awareness raising) from the IndieFEST Film Awards. Director, Rhoyce Nova, Producer, Mel Baker, and lead actor and composer, Quinn, set the…
Audio book
Sleeping Under the Bridge, book 1 in a trilogy of my life story, is now available as an audio book. It is narrated by Natalie Baxter, a young voice from the USA, who did a brilliant job in sharing my younger life story. Available in your favourite audio book app, or see these links: Kindle…
Finding hope
Over the past month, I’ve had the opportunity to be interviewed by Georgia Free, Hope 103.2FM broadcaster and producer. I shared my story with her on three separate occasions for over 3 hours. Georgia could see from sharing my story that it won’t be the usual 30 minute episode for her Finding Hope podcast, it…
Book launch, Sydney
The first book launch will be live on Sunday 7 August 2022 at the Pylon Lookout of the Sydney Harbour Bridge. The afternoon will be relaxing with a panorama view over Sydney. Along the way we will learn about the history of the Harbour Bridge, view a presentation in the cinema, hear about homelessness then…
Holding onto Hope
How do we hold onto hope when we are overwhelmed and consumed? We can do more for ourselves than we realise. In this short episode, I share those moments in my life, and it includes the first public reading of my new book Sleeping Under the Bridge. This is the first book in the trilogy on…
Press Release
Sleeping Under the Bridge, a powerful true story where despair finds hope At age 16, author Melissa Baker, slept under the Sydney Harbour Bridge after being sexually abused as a child. In the 80s, Human Rights Australia states there were over 3,500 homeless youth in Sydney. Today, whilst abuse has lessened, homelessness is 8 times…